Tuesday 6 November 2018

Building and maintaining positive or high self-esteem is very important.

Never  Compare Yourself with Others
Avoid yourself from falling into the rabbit hole of comparison. According to mind experts, comparisons often lead to the feeling of low self-worth that ultimately leads to stress and anxiety. Every individual has his own strengths and weaknesses. Focus on strengthening your strong points and working on your weak ones.

Be Kind to Everyone
Whenever you do something kind for someone else, you will notice that you begin to think positive about yourself. Barbara de Angelis (The New York Times bestselling author) said, “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.”

Pursue Your Passion
Confucius said: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day”. Yes, it is difficult to figure out what you love or how to gage that into a job or business. Here are some steps that may help you:

  • First of all, remember what you loved as a child.
  • Eliminate money factor from it.
  • Read and research more about it on the basis of career context.
  • Choose your professional hero in your passion field.
  • Talk to a career counselor.
  • Just do it.

There is a strong link between positive self-esteem and physical health. Following are the processes by which exercise increases our self-evaluations:

  • Exercise enhances our mood and puts us in a more positive state.
  • Exercise makes us feel good about our physique and physical abilities.
  • Handle Failures in a Positive Way
  • In the journey of life, you stumble and fall many times, and that’s what makes life beautiful. Instead of beating yourself up, focus on opportunities and optimism. Try to be more constructive in this type of situation.

Building and maintaining positive or high self-esteem is very important.