Wednesday 26 December 2018

Steps to Nurture Your Business Idea

  1. ·         Differentiate Right Reasons From Wrong Ones:
    Becoming your own boss is good, but if you are doing it because you don’t get much time off, or don’t like job responsibilities, you need to thing again. If you feel like doing things at your own whims, you need to rethink. Commit to a business idea only if you are ready for a round the clock and unflinching commitment.
    ·         Stick to One Idea:
    With market offering literally a plethora of business ideas, it’s easy to keep looking for profitable ideas. The trick is to stay focused in the present. It’s the now that matters. Analyze your options, their viability and your liabilities to see which one suits you the best.
    ·         Test The Market:
    See how your market is already doing out there. Market testing is important to know your business’s sustainability. Once you know there’s a strong foothold, move on to next step, and keep testing the market times and again.
    ·         Prepare a Plan:
    Get your laptop ready and start designing a business plan as per your goals. See what you want to achieve and create a roadmap for it.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Building and maintaining positive or high self-esteem is very important.

Never  Compare Yourself with Others
Avoid yourself from falling into the rabbit hole of comparison. According to mind experts, comparisons often lead to the feeling of low self-worth that ultimately leads to stress and anxiety. Every individual has his own strengths and weaknesses. Focus on strengthening your strong points and working on your weak ones.

Be Kind to Everyone
Whenever you do something kind for someone else, you will notice that you begin to think positive about yourself. Barbara de Angelis (The New York Times bestselling author) said, “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.”

Pursue Your Passion
Confucius said: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day”. Yes, it is difficult to figure out what you love or how to gage that into a job or business. Here are some steps that may help you:

  • First of all, remember what you loved as a child.
  • Eliminate money factor from it.
  • Read and research more about it on the basis of career context.
  • Choose your professional hero in your passion field.
  • Talk to a career counselor.
  • Just do it.

There is a strong link between positive self-esteem and physical health. Following are the processes by which exercise increases our self-evaluations:

  • Exercise enhances our mood and puts us in a more positive state.
  • Exercise makes us feel good about our physique and physical abilities.
  • Handle Failures in a Positive Way
  • In the journey of life, you stumble and fall many times, and that’s what makes life beautiful. Instead of beating yourself up, focus on opportunities and optimism. Try to be more constructive in this type of situation.

Building and maintaining positive or high self-esteem is very important. 

Wednesday 24 October 2018

How to stay active in the workplace: Nicholas Koonz Myrtle Beach

To stay active in life is not an impossible task, still, people can not achieve it. According to experts many of us doing a sedentary job, we move infrequently.  Sitting for a long period at one place and at one position impact on our body like slow metabolism, fat and inactive behaviors. According to researchers who are in sitting job should walk at least 10'000 steps in a day. Many employees think to join activities classes and gym. All process plays in thoughts only not in a real. Injecting physical activity into your working day could reduce some of the health risks t
hat are elevated by being sedentary.

An employee can make themselves active at a workplace by following some points. take a peek.

Use Cycle and Walk to Work.
Yes, choose a walk and cycle to arrive office, it will help to feel fresh and energized, with a clear mind. of course, it is not possible everyone stays near to the office,  If one wants to be some active state can park car and bike from office. Cycling and walking is the effective exercise to stay healthy and fit. if you don't have time to go to the gym, cycling and walking will help you to stay active in the workplace. It not easy to arrive office by walk, we have to manage the time effectively. Need to get up early in the morning, and leave home early and head to the workplace. by walk, we can get some time to analysis the things and also explore our self to face and solve the problem with an efficient way. Don't think to start from today.

Stand Up Regularly
Need to break up with sedentary behavior. whenever meeting and session conduct try to use standing tables instead of chairs. Yes, the best habit needs to adopt use stair instead of a lift. According to research minimum, 2 hours should stand during working days. an an an employee can plan meeting on standing desk. can use lunch break and coffee break. and if possible can work some time in standing position. to stay healthy and flexible we can try to change body position while working. Statice position of working can cause of numbers diseases.

Walk instead of calling or emailing

Use every opportunity you have to get up from your desk. Pretend it’s the ‘90s – instead of emailing or instant-messaging your colleague across the room, walk over to their desk and have a chat with them face to face. The steps add up, and it gives you the extra benefit of having some social interaction.

Get moving at lunchtime
First, it’s important to take your lunch break – studies show that most Australians don’t. Having a break during the day is beneficial for your mental health and wellbeing, and it’s also a good opportunity to get active. Instead of eating at your desk or sitting down in the kitchen area for your whole lunch break, make a point to get up and move for at least part of your allotted time. Go outside for a walk and enjoy the change of scenery.

To get the blood pumping, even more, you could even jog up and down the stairs, or sneak off for a quick nearby gym session or a circuit in the park.

Turn to wait time into moving time

Waiting for the photocopier, or the microwave, or for those pesky co-workers to vacate the meeting room you’ve booked? Take a little stroll, or even do some small exercises like calf-raises, squats or lunges (and if you’ve started a group fitness challenge, no one will think you’re strange for doing it!)

Monday 15 October 2018

Having a Passion in Life is Paramount Important

Having a passion in life is paramount important to upgrade and growth life. Passion in general terms something we love to do. To achieve something, person passion should be clear then he can set a life goal and plan accordingly. In my perspective without having passion person cannot get success and happiness in their work.
When you are doing that work you love to do then you will begin to create the life you choose to live. Passion is simultaneous challenges you, intrigues you and motivates you.
We all experience the trials and misfortunes at various times, however, what everyone does have is the opportunity to adopt a positive perspective no matter what they encounter. No one is impervious to the torrents of life You have a choice in every moment as to how you respond to life.

Monday 17 September 2018

Time Mangement Tips : Nick Koonz Myrtle Beach

"Never let yesterday use up today"

For entrepreneurs and employees, Time is a success. For growth and success, the most effective tool is time management. May employees are growing in their work and job. with time management they will upslope your progress.  Proper time use organized your life at work. It will improve your efficiency as well as productivity, which will help you to motivate and achieving your goal in a short time.

Time Management is not a complex task, It gives you chance to live life fullest with the progress.

Nick Koonz Myrtle Beach Shared Some tips which will help you to manage your time in the workplace.

Find out you're current where the time going.
If you are diligently want to manage your time, foremost analysis where you invest most of the time, Determine how much time you waste and squander on unproductive thoughts.
This will help you to find where you need to focus and where not. Just determine activities and task at work, that will provide the greatest return. If will also work as a stress buster. you will not focus any meaningless thoughts, conversation, and activities.

Set your Goal and stick on it 
Don't Start your day without to do list at work and the life outside of it. Before starting a day set your projects according to prioritize. invest the time accordingly. it will help to improve get more effectively juggle your all task with an ideal way. When employees do not clear about task and goals. then they faced difficulty in achieving and finding what exactly they want to do. At the workplace, time greatest an equalizer for growth.

Schedule time for interrupted the task

Turn off all notifications and eat a frog first.  Make some time for the interrupted tasks. like, check the emails and reply etc. Three interruptions per hour could cost you half-an-hour in wasted time.
It affects productivity and work concentration. Like if any other co-work comes to you to the discussion. Because you’ve lost your creative train-of-thought, you now have to go through that 10-minute ‘start-up’ time before you can return to your writing.

Kick out bad habits.

Mostly employee wants some break from work and started using social media playing games, Youtube videoes. an waste their time. To achieve a goal, first, need to honest with yourself
Avoid unproductive task at the workplace it affects your performance. Use your time for Worth things. you should work for 52 minutes and break for 17 minute